Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers (OREC) Program
January 19, 2017
The new Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers (OREC) program, which commenced on January 1, 2017, provides financial assistance to eligible consumers in respect of electricity costs. The rebate is equal to eight per cent (8%) of the base invoice amount for each billing period as defined in Ontario Regulation O.Reg 363/16.
The OREC discount for customers of a local distribution company (LDC) or a unit sub-meter provider (USMP) will be settled directly by the LDC or USMP. LDCs and USMPs will claim a reimbursement of the financial assistance provided to their eligible customers on a monthly basis through the respective IESO on-line settlement form. Although the forms will be made available on January 18, no submissions will be accepted until February 1, which is the first day that claims for January 2017 can be submitted. A revised guide that contains the instructions on the online forms is available here. The OREC program will be settled through charge type 9982.
The OREC discount for eligible IESO market participants meeting the criteria of 50 KWh or less will be settled by the IESO. Market Participants who determine that they meet the requirements for an “eligible account”, as defined in section 1. (1) of the Act, should have their registered Authorized Representative notify IESO Customer Relations eligibility as soon as possible.
For background information, you can read the Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 and the General OREC regulation.