Materials available for the February 1 Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting
January 26, 2017
Materials for the February 1 SAC meeting are now posted on the SAC webpage.
At the meeting, Committee members will present each of their sector's priorities for Ontario's electricity system to be considered by the IESO in its upcoming 2018 to 2020 business planning process. In addition, Committee members and other attendees will be invited to provide input on the Market Renewal engagement initiative.
The IESO is also pleased to welcome Alexander Wood, Executive Director, Ontario Climate Change Directorate. Mr. Wood will speak about Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan.
The meeting is being held in downtown Toronto from 9:30am (registration opens at 9:00am) to approximately 2:00pm. To register, send an email to indicating whether you would like to attend in person or participate in the discussion via teleconference.
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee provides appointed stakeholder representatives with the opportunity to present advice and recommendations to the IESO's Board of Directors and Leadership Team. Members of SAC represent consumers, generators, distributors/transmitters, related businesses/services and Ontario communities. Stakeholders are invited to contact the SAC Members who best represent their sector to provide input prior to the meeting.