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IESO appoints new VP, Market and System Operations, and Chief Operating Officer

December 8, 2016

Leonard Kula will assume the position of Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President of Market and System Operations following Kim Warren's retirement later this month. Leonard has worked in the electricity sector for more than 30 years, with the last 17 years at the IESO. At the IESO, he was involved in developing the processes and tools for opening the wholesale electricity market in May 2002. Since that time, Leonard has worked in several parts of the organization including market evolution, settlements and a variety of positions in Market and System Operations. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Calgary), an M.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Waterloo) and an M.B.A. (York University), and is registered as a Professional Engineer in Ontario.


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