Exploring Grid-LDC Interoperability
November 10, 2016
The IESO is hosting an information webinar on November 25 at 1pm to discuss the development of a grid-LDC interoperability draft framework. The objective of the draft framework is to look at ways to enhance the future reliability and efficiency for Ontario’s electricity grid and the coordination of IESO and LDC-controlled resources.
Through a Grid-LDC Coordination partnership with PowerStream, a number of short and long-term collaboration opportunities were identified, as well as, current IESO market and system information that may be useful to LDCs in managing their day-to-day operations. The webinar will discuss these early learnings and will provide an opportunity for input on the draft framework and any barriers or other opportunities that might not have been contemplated thus far.
It is anticipated that operations and system control representatives of LDCs will have an interest in this webinar; however, all interested parties are welcome.
To register, email engagement@ieso.ca. Materials will be provided in advance of the webinar.