Conservation Framework Mid-Term Review draft engagement plan and Advisory Group
November 3, 2016
The IESO will be conducting a Mid-term Review of the 2015 to 2020 Conservation First Framework (CFF) and Industrial Accelerator Program that will inform potential approaches to achieving conservation objectives through to 2020 and beyond.
The Mid-term Review will be informed by an engagement initiative that will allow stakeholders and communities to provide input on the review framework that will focus on energy savings targets, budgets, progress, lessons learned (on cost recovery, performance incentive mechanisms and CDM contribution to regional planning), and alignment with Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan. The IESO will seek a third party consultant through a competitive procurement process, to support the IESO with completion of the mid-term review.
An early draft of the approach for the Mid-term Review was discussed with LDCs and the Conservation First Implementation Committee (CFIC) and at June regional meetings. The plan was updated with LDC feedback and reviewed at the August meeting of the IESO Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). Based on feedback received from LDCs and members of the SAC, the Mid-term Review will begin in Q1 2017, and complete in Q1 2018. This schedule will allow for more CFF results and implementation experience to be included in the study.
In addition, an Advisory Group will be formed to supplement broader engagement efforts, by tackling more detailed discussions, and will consist of a limited number of representatives within the following categories:
- five consumers (representing a mix of sectors, and distribution/transmission connected customers);
- five LDCs (selection will focus on different size utilities and different regions and progress towards CFF targets);
- two consultants, service providers/delivery agents and/or product manufacturers that are engaged in CDM; and,
- IESO (Chair plus staff support).
At this time, interested participants are invited to email their biography to by November 23, and outline how their qualifications can contribute to the Advisory Group objectives as outlined in the proposed Terms of Reference.
The Advisory Group may also include registered observers from:
- natural gas utilities
- industry/customer associations
- Environmental Commissioner's Office
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ministry of Energy
A draft Terms of Reference for the advisory group and a draft engagement plan are posted and open for comment on the engagement webpage.