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Update on Technical Panel determinations

October 20, 2016

The Technical Panel met on October 18. The Panel recommended that the IESO Board of Directors consider rule changes to the Review of the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine (DACE) Market Rules when it meets on December 7. The IESO also provided an update to the Panel on the Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee Program – Cost Recovery Framework.

The Panel unanimously recommended that the IESO Board of Directors approve the proposed rule amendments for the Review of the DACE Market Rules. This proposal amends the market rules to allow a number of non-material amendments to the market rules to clarify and correct several subscripts, variables, formulas and definitions related to the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine.  If approved by the IESO Board, the recommended effective date of this amendment is December 30, 2016.

The IESO provided an update to the Panel on the Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee ("RT-GCG) Program engagement and market rules. Panel members were informed that the IESO will continue to meet with registered RT-GCG participants on a one-on-one basis to develop resource specific planned maintenance values. The IESO has requested feedback following the October 13 RT-GCG engagement meeting, and upon completion of further stakeholdering, plans to take the market rule amendments back to the Panel at a future meeting.

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