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IESO releases new regional plan for West of Thunder Bay sub-region

July 28, 2016

The IESO has released an Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) for the West of Thunder Bay Sub-Region. The full plan, appendices and a backgrounder document is available on the West of Thunder Bay planning area's web page.

Aside from the potential need for additional supply on the 230 kV bulk transmission system, the plan indicates that there are no major regional needs identified in the West of Thunder Bay Sub-region under High and Reference demand growth scenarios. Given the uncertainty with the location, timing and magnitude of demand growth, early development work for major infrastructure projects is not required at this time.

IRRPs are undertaken in the context of the province's Long-Term Energy Plan, as well as provincial and distribution-level planning. The development of IRRPs is mandated by the Ontario Energy Board, and the plans are updated every five years or sooner if required.

For more on regional planning, visit About Regional Planning.

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