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Draft FIT 5 material available for review

July 14, 2016

The IESO has posted draft versions of the FIT 5 Rules, FIT Contract, Standard Definitions and certain Prescribed Forms for review and comment on the Draft FIT 5 Program Documents page. Certain other FIT 5 Prescribed Forms and Templates have already been posted in final form on the FIT 5 Documents and Resources page and may be used by potential applicants in advance of the IESO finalizing the remainder of the FIT 5 materials.

Feedback is encouraged on all aspects of the draft materials posted for review and will be considered for the development of the final FIT 5 materials. Comments and feedback can be provided via email to using the feedback form, by July 28. The IESO will host a webinar on July 20 to discuss the draft FIT 5 material.

The final versions of the materials, as well as updated FIT Transmission Availability Tables, will be made available well in advance of the FIT 5 application period, which is expected to open before November 1, 2016.

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