Achievable Potential Study released
July 7, 2016
The IESO has completed an Achievable Potential Study (APS) to help inform electricity efficiency planning and programs in Ontario. The final results of this study are now available.
Results indicate that within the Conservation First Framework (CFF) time frame (2015-2020) and budget there are approximately 7.4 TWh of achievable electricity savings. The APS consists of two separate studies: a behind-the-meter generation (BMG) study that estimated system-wide electricity savings from combined heat and power and waste-energy-recovery projects at the distribution and transmission level between 2015 and 2025, and an energy-efficiency study that identified the short-term (2015-2020) and long-term (2015-2035) savings potential.
Since the study began in 2015, the IESO met regularly with the APS Working Group which provided valuable input into the scope, methodology and execution of the study.
The APS will be an input into the mid-term review of the CFF in 2017, and can be used to help inform LDC program design and delivery, regional planning, and long-term energy planning.