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Update on recent Technical Panel Determinations

June 2, 2016

The Technical Panel met on May 31 to discuss two proposed market rule amendments. The Panel requested comments from stakeholders on one set of rule changes, and recommended that the IESO Board of Directors recommend the other set when it meets on June 15.

The Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee – Cost Recovery Framework proposes to amend the market rules to enable a new cost recovery framework for the real-time generation cost guarantee (RT-GCG) program. The changes are expected to increase the transparency of costs eligible to be submitted by market participants for recovery under the program, as well as reduce the scope and frequency of audits. This proposal is based on the RT-GCG Program Cost Recovery Framework stakeholder engagement. After discussing the proposed rule amendment, a majority of the Panel requested comments from the broader stakeholder community. Stakeholders are asked to provide comments by June 23 on the related market rule amendment proposal. Comments can be sent to

The Treatment of Confidential Information Related to Reliability Based Power System Studies and Transmission Service Charges proposal amends the market rules to explicitly allow the IESO to share confidential information in the form of a basecase directly to, or to a consultant of, a market participant, a connection applicant, or a person planning on constructing or modifying a facility for the purposes of completing reliability based power system studies. In addition, the proposal eliminates the requirement for the IESO to advise every market participant affected by the disclosure of confidential information to an Ontario transmitter where such disclosure is required for transmitters to manage, operate and maintain their transmission system in a safe and reliable manner or for the reconciliation of applicable transmission service charges. The Panel unanimously recommended that the IESO Board of Directors approve this market rule amendment when it meets on June 15. The recommended effective date of this amendment is July 8, 2016.

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