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microFIT Program update

April 28, 2016

The IESO will temporarily stop accepting applications to the microFIT Program effective immediately while new program provisions are prepared for microFIT version 4, which will be launched in July.

The IESO is taking this step to protect the integrity of the microFIT Program and consumers. A number of irregular and incomplete applications have been discovered in the past few weeks. As a result, the IESO has decided that the new program provisions for microFIT version 4 should be introduced before accepting new applications.

This next version of microFIT will include a new requirement for a commissioned or notarized declaration form from all applicants and not just those that designate representatives. This additional requirement has been developed to help ensure that all applicants understand the program and process, have access to their My microFIT Home Page, and follow the Program Rules.

More information is available on the microFIT section.

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