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Large Renewable Procurement Engagement - Update

March 3, 2016

The IESO expects to begin discussions in late March 2016 with interested stakeholders, municipalities and Aboriginal communities to seek input on opportunities for improvement to the LRP process that can be incorporated prior to the launch of the second round of large renewable procurement (LRP II) in Ontario.

A draft Stakeholder and Community Engagement Plan outlines the background, objectives and proposed timelines related to this initiative as well as the activities and methods to be used to engage all interested parties. The draft Engagement Plan sets out a three-phased approach:

  • Phase I: Review of the LRP I Process (expected to commence in late March 2016)
  • Phase II: Feedback on a draft LRP II Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
  • Phase III: Feedback on a draft LRP II Request for Proposals (RFP)

At the outset of this engagement, the IESO will also invite feedback on the draft Engagement Plan to ensure that individuals have fair and open access to contribute their input on this initiative most efficiently.

The IESO will communicate the launch of the Phase I engagement after the results of the LRP I RFP are announced.

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