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Changes planned for the Reliability Compliance Tool

March 17, 2016

The IESO has initiated a project to upgrade the Reliability Compliance Tool. The Compliance Tool, also known as MetricStream, provides a secure platform for registered reliability compliance contacts to fulfil the requirements of the Ontario Reliability Compliance Program (ORCP).

The current Compliance Tool allows participants to self-certify their compliance status with the reliability standards actively monitored by the ORCP, and self-report potential breaches of reliability standards, indicating actions taken or that will be taken to resolve the breach. In addition, the Compliance Tool allows market participants to track their submissions and view relevant reports.

The project goal is to provide users with the same functionality as today using the Online IESO environment. Online IESO was established in 2013 and since that time has allowed market participants to complete a variety of interactive business tasks. Many users may be familiar with this platform as Notice of Disagreement submissions and meter registration were recently added to Online IESO.

The IESO will engage market participants as the project progresses and will seek participation to test the functionality prior to the target in-service date of September 2016. More information on this project will be provided as it become available.

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