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Market Manual changes - Floor Prices

January 28, 2016

Interim Market Document Change IMDC 23: 'Floor Price for Renewable and Solar Resources' has been posted for comment on the Pending Changes - Documents. The IMDC contains changes to Market Manual 4.2, section 1.3.4 to change the floor price for solar generation and the flexible portion of wind generation from -$10 to -$3. These changes were discussed with stakeholders as part of the Floor Price Review Stakeholder Engagement and stem from recommendations coming out of the review. 

The IMDC also includes changes to Market Manual 7.2: "Near-Term Assessments and Reports", section 1.3. These changes clarify the notifications and actions to be taken by the IESO during Surplus Baseload Generation (SBG) events when there is a need to mitigate the loss of fleet flexibility and manoeuvring nuclear generation is required.

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