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NERC Reliability Standards available for review

October 1, 2015

A summary of the following proposed reliability standards (currently subject to the OEB's review process) have been posted at OEB Review Process.

  • IRO-006-EAST-2 – Transmission Loading Relief Procedure for the Eastern Interconnection 
  • IRO-009-2 – Reliability Coordinator Actions to Operate Within IROLs

The proposed Standard IRO-006-EAST-2 ensures that the actions between Reliability Coordinators in the Eastern Interconnection are coordinated when implementing transmission loading relief (TLR) procedures to avert potential System Operating Limit (SOL) and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) exceedances. Similarly, proposed Standard IRO-009-2 is designed to prevent instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading outages by ensuring prompt action to prevent instances of exceeding IROLs.

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