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IESO seeking input on Provincial Energy Manager Program

July 9, 2015

The IESO has launched a stakeholder engagement initiative to seek input on a proposed provincial Energy Manager Program designed to help support the goals of the Province's 2015 to 2020 Conservation First Framework and promote the culture of conservation in Ontario.

With the launch of this engagement initiative, the IESO will hold two separate webinars to invite feedback on the two energy manager opportunities within the proposed program design for sector-based and multi-distributor companies. Recognizing that each program may attract different stakeholders, two webinars will provide an overview of each area to help prepare stakeholders to provide input on any barriers or challenges in the proposed design that may not have been considered by the IESO.

All stakeholders are invited to participate in the webinar(s) including small business, commercial and institutional customers as well as energy managers, LDCs and other service providers.

The webinars will be held on July 24 at 10:00 am (sector-based energy manager) and 11:00 am (multi-distributor energy manager). Registration is required in advance. Please choose one of the links below to register.

Register for both webinars – Fri., July 24 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Register for Sector-Based Energy Managers Webinar – Fri., July 24 at 10:00 am

Register for Multi-Distributor Energy Managers Webinar – Fri., July 24 at 11:00 am

For more information, please visit the Provincial Energy Manager Program Development stakeholder engagement webpage.

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