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NERC Reliability Standards available for review

March 26, 2015

The IESO is responsible for communicating to market participants about new or amended reliability standards and criteria, which may be subject to the Ontario Energy Board's (OEB) review. The following twelve North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards are available for review:

  • TOP-001-3 (Transmission Operations)
  • TOP-002-4 (Operations Planning)
  • TOP-003-3 (Operational Reliability Data)
  • IRO-001-4 (Reliability Coordination – Responsibilities)
  • IRO-002-4 (Reliability Coordination –Monitoring and Analysis)
  • IRO-008-2 (Reliability Coordinator Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments)
  • IRO-010-2 (Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection)
  • IRO-014-3 (Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators)
  • IRO-017-1 (Outage Coordination)

The Transmission Operations (“TOP”) and Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination (“IRO”) Reliability Standards address matters that are fundamental to grid reliability as they pertain to the coordinated efforts to plan and operate the Bulk Electric System in a reliable manner under both normal and abnormal conditions. These standards apply to the IESO, transmitters, generators and distributors. The deadline to apply to the OEB for a review for these standards is April 1.

  • PRC-001-1.1(ii) – System Protection Coordination
  • PRC-019-2 – Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

These standards ensure that new or changes to existing protective systems are coordinated and verified among the generator operators and their transmission operators.

  • PRC-024-2 – Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings

This standard ensures that generator protective relays are set such that the generating units remain connected during frequency and voltage excursions. The deadline to apply to the OEB for a review of the above three standards is July 16.

The standards have been posted on the OEB Review of a New or Amended Reliability Standard section at OEB Review Process.

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