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Sector Participants > Streamlining of the Revenue Metering registration process

Streamlining of the Revenue Metering registration process

March 27, 2014

As part of the next stage of the Online Registration Project Working Group stakeholder feedback will be collected on the registration of revenue meter installation process. This stage will replace paper based processes and provide additional registration capabilities through the Online IESO system including:

•Register a new revenue meter installation

•Update existing revenue meter installations

•De-register a revenue meter installation

•View existing registered revenue meter installations information

The working group participation is open to all stakeholders, but is of particular interest to representatives of MSPs. Stakeholders are asked to provide input on matters relating to the redesign, transition, implementation schedule and key milestones of this Register Revenue Meter Installation stage.

The first working group meeting will be held by webinar, on the afternoon of April 10. To participate, please email before April 3. The timeline for the working group and more details can be found on the engagement page.