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Stakeholder Advisory Committee appointments by IESO Board of Directors

November 21, 2013

The IESO Board of Directors is pleased to announce the following appointments to the IESO Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC):

- Todd Wilcox (COO, North Bay Hydro) - re-appointed as Chair

- Ersilia Serafini (CEO, Summerhill) - re-appointed as Vice-Chair

- Jack Burkom (Senior Vice President, Commercial Development, Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc.) - re-appointed as an electricity service providers representative

- Paul Ferguson (President, Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd) - re-appointed as a conveyers representative

- Adam White (President, Association of Major Power Consumers) - extended for an additional two years as a consumer representative

- Steven Hall (Director, Real Property Asset Management, Region of Peel) - appointed for his first term as a consumer representative

The Stakeholder Advisory Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Board and management on market development and planning decisions, or any other matter that may be of concern to stakeholders.