IESO Launches Energy Market Pricing System Review
August 29, 2013
IESO has launched a review of Ontario's wholesale energy market pricing system, sometimes referred to as the "two-schedule price setting system", which is used to settle and dispatch resources in the IESO administered market. This review is part of a series of consultations launched by the IESO to consider the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of the electricity market, and will focus on the energy market pricing system. As part of this review, potential design alternatives will be compared against the status quo with an overall objective of providing an efficient dispatch and pricing process that produces transparent prices. The consultancy Market Reform has been engaged by the IESO to assist with the review.
A letter introducing this initiative to stakeholders, a draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan, and a Discussion Paper have been posted for review. Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the plan and paper by September 26. Feedback can be sent by email to
The first meeting will be held on September 19 in the Toronto area. This meeting is open to all stakeholders. To register, send an email to, indicating whether you will attend in person or by teleconference. Further details on this initiative are available on the SE-114 webpage.