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IESO Board appoints new Stakeholder Advisory Committee members

February 21, 2013

The IESO Board of Directors is pleased to announce new appointments to the IESO Stakeholder Advisory Committee. The appointments fall under the newly defined constituencies provided in the Committee's Terms of Reference approved late last year. Three new representatives join two who were re-appointed for additional terms:


- Michelle Chislett, Vice President, Solar Development at GDF Suez - International Power, Canada

- Richard Horrobin, Vice President, Power Marketing and Chief Information Officer at Bruce Power

Electricity Service Providers

- Rob Coulbeck, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs at Enbala Power Networks Inc.


- Wayne Smith, Senior Vice President, Planning and Operating at Hydro One (re-appointed for an additional three-year term)

- Todd Wilcox, Chief Operating Officer at North Bay Hydro (re-appointed for an additional three-year term)

Mr. Wilcox was also appointed Chair of the Committee by the IESO Board. The Board thanks outgoing Chair John Witjes for his leadership as the Committee Chair, as well as the members who have ended their terms: Adele Malo, Craig Martin, and John Williams.

The Stakeholder Advisory Committee, appointed by the IESO Board provides advice and recommendations to the Board and management on market development and planning decisions, or any other matter that may be of concern to stakeholders. Visit the Stakeholder Advisory Committee web page for more information.