Discussion Paper for Floor Price Focus Group Meeting Available
November 10, 2011
The IESO has posted a discussion paper on the Dispatch Order for Baseload Generation, and the Terms of Reference for the Floor Price Focus Group.
The Dispatch Order for Baseload Generation Discussion Paper outlines considerations for defining a relative dispatch order for periods of surplus baseload generation. The discussion paper describes the general technical limitations of baseload generators, which include wind, must-run hydro, solar, and nuclear. The Floor Price Focus group will enable the IESO and stakeholders to discuss the design details associated with Principle 10 of the Renewable Integration Design Principles. All interested stakeholders can participate in the Focus Group which will have its first meeting Monday, November 21, in Mississauga. To register for the meeting or to submit comments, email engagement@ieso.ca. Please indicate if you will be attending the meeting in person or via teleconference.
Renewable Integration (SE-91) is a stakeholder initiative discussing how the IESO will adapt power system operations and the IESO-administered markets to accommodate increases in renewable generation.