Information Request For Renewable Generation Projects
August 24, 2011
Renewable generation is playing an increasing role in Ontario's electricity system and the IESO has been working with stakeholders to ensure this new generation is effectively integrated.
The IESO has identified the need to more accurately forecast and monitor wind and solar generation embedded within local distribution companies, and directly connected to the bulk transmission system, to maintain an efficient and effective electricity system. The IESO would like to work closely with local distribution companies to determine the most efficient way to achieve this.
As such, the IESO is seeking your assistance with the following questions:
1. Who in your organization manages embedded generation projects? Please provide us with a contact person that we might communicate important information about this initiative.
2. Does your service territory have any wind or solar generation with an installed capacity of 5 MW or greater? Are there any projects of this size planned for the future?
Please provide a list of any installed and/or planned wind and solar generation projects with an installed capacity of 5 MW or greater. This information will be used to begin identifying where embedded generation will be located on the electricity system, and to help both the IESO and Local Distribution Companies to more accurately forecast and monitor this new generation.
3. Do you have questions about embedded generation settlement submissions to the IESO?
Please ensure that all generation (renewable and otherwise, contracted and uncontracted) within your service territory is reported to the IESO within the first four business days of each month. These factors are becoming increasingly important in the IESO forecast responsibilities, as well as calculating the monthly global adjustment amounts for the province. Please contact if you have any questions about the embedded generation settlements process.
The IESO will be offering a webinar specifically designed for Local Distribution Companies on September 26, at 2 p.m. entitled, "Renewable Integration - What it means to LDCs and their Customers". As we anticipate the need to continue working closely with our distributor partners, we encourage you to participate.
To provide the information requested above, please e-mail, by September 6, 2011. More information on the stakeholder consultation (SE-91) the IESO has underway to determine changes required to integrate renewable generation is available on RI engagement webpage.