Discussing Control Action Operating Reserve on August 24
July 21, 2011
The next Control Action Operating Reserve (CAOR) Study (SE-72) meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 24 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in downtown Toronto.
The meeting will include a review of stakeholder comments received on the IESO Position Paper, and discuss the proposal for developing changes to CAOR.
To register for the meeting, email stakeholder.engagement@ieso.ca. Please indicate if you will be attending in-person or by teleconference.
CAOR refers to the demand relief realized when the IESO uses certain out-of-market control actions to meet the Ontario operating reserve requirement as per reliability standards. SE-72 involves reviewing the pricing and structure of the CAOR standing offers to address concerns raised by stakeholders. For more information visit CAOR engagement webpage.