Dispatch Technical Working Group - Call for Membership
May 12, 2011
The IESO is inviting stakeholders to apply to become members of the new Renewable Integration (SE-91) Dispatch Technical Working Group (DTWG). The group will discuss design details of the Renewable Integration Design Principles related to dispatch.
Specifically, this includes:
- Defining the technical limitations for wind and solar generators that must be respected by the dispatch algorithm;
- Defining the dispatch data requirements (price/quantity pairs and ramp rates) for variable generators and how dispatch instructions will be sent to these generators;
- Defining the appropriate dispatch compliance rules for variable generators; and,
- Defining the conditions under which variable generators are eligible to receive Congestion Management Settlement Credits.
Those interested in applying for membership in the working group can do so by sending an e-mail explaining their suitability for the role to engagement@ieso.ca by May 20, 2011. Please see the draft Terms of Reference for further information, including the desired qualifications for membership. Comments on the Terms of Reference can also be submitted to the email above by May 20, 2011.
The discussion paper, Dispatching Variable Generation Resources, provides additional detail on the IESO dispatch process and issues to be resolved by the working group. For more information, visit the DTWG webpage.
Renewable Integration (SE-91) is a stakeholder initiative discussing how the IESO will adapt power system operations and the IESO-administered markets to accommodate increases in renewable generation.