VTWG - March 30th Meeting Material Posted
March 23, 2011
This email was sent to the VTWG working group.
Thank you for providing feedback on last week's meeting and documentation.
The material for the March 30th meeting have been posted to the Visibility Technical Working Group website.
The following presentations can now be accessed and reviewed:
1) Agenda
2) Market Rules and Manuals Presentation
3) Outage Process Presentation
To ensure there is enough time for members of VTWG to submit comments on the proposed solar and wind data requirements, the March 30th presentation and documentation outlining the final wind and solar data requirements will be posted on Friday, March 25th. If you have any outstanding comments or questions regarding the proposed data requirements, please send them to engagement@ieso.ca by end of day tomorrow.
The final minutes from the March 16th Visibility Technical Working Group meeting have also been posted to the IESO website.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please send them to stakeholder.engagement@ieso.ca. Thank you for your continued participation.