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Sector Participants > Volunteer Details - Online Outage Request Form

Volunteer Details - Online Outage Request Form

February 11, 2011

Thank you for volunteering to test the new Online Outage Request Form.

Testing will begin on February 17th, 2011, and continue until February 24th, 2011 (5 business days). A conference call will be held prior to this on February 16th, 2011, at 2:00pm (agenda and instructions attached) to provide an opportunity for volunteers to ask questions about the test processes and procedures.

Participants are encouraged to review the "Online Outage Request Form: Step-by-Step Guide" (attached) prior to the conference call.

Testing will involve participants performing specific tasks that help ensure the full functionality of the new form. Attached are the Test Scripts participants are to follow as they complete these tasks. The IESO also encourages participants to attempt whatever additional test scenarios they wish.

IESO staff will be available during the test period to answer your questions between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. Please call Customer Relations at 1-888-448-7777, or e-mail and we will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

If you encounter problems or error messages during the tests, please inform the IESO by e-mailing the following information to

- Market Participant name

- Your Username

- Time and date of the error/problem

- Outage slip number you were working on when the error/problem occurred

- A brief description of the error/problem

- Screen shots showing the screen where the error/problem occurred including the Error message (if there was one)

Attached, please also find an XML Stylesheet. This file is used to ensure the proper layout of the Online Outage Request Form for viewing and printing purposes.

Early next week we will contact you via e-mail to provide your login information and instructions on how to access the Online Outage Request Form.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the IESO at, or 1-888-448-7777.

Thank you again for your help testing the new Online Outage Request Form.