Call for Nominations to the IESO Stakeholder Advisory Committee
September 9, 2010
The IESO Board of Directors is seeking nominations for candidates to be members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. The deadline for nominations is October 8, 2010.
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee gives senior stakeholder representatives the opportunity to provide policy-level advice and recommendations directly to the IESO Board of Directors and Executive on:
- IESO business development decisions (e.g., decisions that have a material effect on the existing electricity market or future evolution of the market), - IESO policy and planning decisions (e.g., business plans, etc.)
- other matters of concern to stakeholders.
Nominations will be accepted for candidates to represent the various stakeholder constituencies listed below:
- Distributors
- Generators
- Marketers/Brokers
- Public Service
- Residential
Additional details on the replacement positions can be found in the call for nominations letter.
If you are interested in nominating yourself or an individual to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee you should submit a letter of nomination together with the nominee's resume no later than October 8, 2010 to: R.D. Roy Stewart General Counsel and Secretary Independent Electricity System Operator 655 Bay Street, Suite 410, PO Box 1 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4 Ph. 416-506-2855 Fax 416-506-2838
Details on the nomination process along with the responsibilities and qualifications of Committee members can be found in the SAC Terms of Reference.