Draft IT plan for Enhanced Day Ahead Commitment Available for Comment
January 28, 2010
The IESO has posted a draft stakeholder engagement plan for the Information Technology (IT) portion of the EDAC build phase. The primary focus of this plan is the market facing system and report changes resulting from the detailed design of EDAC. The plan includes a high level view of the market facing system changes and review of both the functional and report specifications.
This initiative will involve generators, importers and exporters that enter bids and offers into the market as they will be directly affected by the implementation of EDAC. A representative stakeholder working group will be formed to provide the opportunity for directly affected stakeholders to offer detailed input. The first meeting of the EDAC Technical Working Group will take place on February 12.
Please provide any comments on the posted draft Stakeholder Engagement plan to engagement@ieso.ca by February 4.