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SME Steering Committee

Standing Committees

The Smart Metering Entity (SME) Steering Committee acts as an advisory panel to the IESO in its role as the SME for Ontario. It is a stakeholder committee that represents the interests of MDM/R service recipients. The SME Steering Committee is made up of representatives from local distribution companies and the IESO in its role as SME.

The SME Steering Committee has the opportunity to:

  • Provide input in the ongoing development of the Terms of Service and the MDM/R manuals and procedures
  • Provide input on the SME’s provision of MDM/R services and adherence to the committed service levels as prescribed in the Terms of Service
  • Consider amendment proposals forwarded by the SME, MDM/R service recipients, or initiated by the SME Steering Committee
  • Participate in the consultations, when requested by the SME on amendments to the MDM/R manuals and procedures

SME Steering Committee meetings are held five to eight times per year. Regular meetings include a one-hour MDM/R operations teleconference that is open to all LDCs in the province. Contact the SME for more information.


SME Steering Committee currently consists of eight LDC members who are appointed from among nominations made by MDM/R service recipients or entities eligible to become MDM/R service recipients. Representatives may also be appointed from nominations submitted by the Board of Directors of the Electricity Distributors Association or any successor organization. Five LDC members are the minimum required for a quorum and an SME/IESO representative must attend. Current members are:

Member Organization
Andy Armitage
LDC Chair
Synergy North
John Dunne
LDC Vice-Chair
Hydro One Networks Inc.
David Nortes Elexicon Energy
Shelley Parker Alectra Utilities
James Wei Toronto Hydro
Rizwan Mirza London Hydro
Judy Lidster Hydro Ottawa Limited
Rob Koekkoek Orangeville Hydro
Paul Gleason Enwin Utilities Ltd.
Wayne Richard Essex Power
James Murphy IESO Lead