The IESO was asked to review and report back to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, on ways to improve billing and settlement processes for market participants, with a particular focus on simplification. The IESO is consulting with and seeking feedback from stakeholders as we conduct this review.
Scope and Objective
The scope of this engagement is the final monthly invoices issued by the IESO pursuant to the market rules to settle the physical electricity markets. Electricity bills issued by local distribution companies, preliminary IESO settlement statements, and changes to settlements timelines, processes and billing accuracy controls are outside the scope of this engagement.
The objective of this engagement initiative is to ensure stakeholders:
Have a general understanding of the final monthly invoices issued pursuant to the market rules,
Have sufficient understanding that there are market rules and manuals, and legislative requirements for invoices, and
Understand the principles the IESO will apply when developing options to improve and simplify IESO invoices
The IESO will consider all input within scope from stakeholders. These recommendations will be part of the report back to the Ministry by February 28, 2020.
In parallel with this engagement, the IESO will conduct a scan of other electricity jurisdictions and markets in Canada and the U.S. to identify improvement opportunities that may apply in Ontario.
This is a public engagement process and all interested parties are encouraged to participate. The IESO anticipates that this initiative will be of particular interest to IESO market participants and industry associations.
This engagement will primarily be through public webinar with a formal written comment period and all materials will be posted on this webpage.
This engagement initiative will be conducted in accordance with the IESO’s engagement principles.
Documents referenced on this page, but not posted, can be obtained by contacting with a link to the web page that lists the document and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.