The IESO will host a number of consultations with intervenors and interested parties ahead of submission of the IESO’s 2017 Revenue Requirement to the Ontario Energy Board. These consultations are designed to ensure intervenors and interested parties are well-informed and have early opportunity to advise the IESO as it develops the submission. Further details on these consultations will be posted as available.
Eligible intervenors will be reimbursed for costs for participation in this initiative by the IESO according to the OEB’s Practice Direction on Cost Awards.
IESO Regulatory Scorecard
In the settlement agreement on the IESO’s 2016 Revenue Requirement Submission (EB-2015-0275), the IESO agreed to:
consult with intervenors to develop a scorecard for filing in its next Revenue Requirement Submission filed with the Board; and
engage an expert to assist with this work.
The IESO held an open and competitive procurement from November 23 to December 21, 2016 to obtain expert services for the development of this scorecard. Elenchus Research Associates Inc. was the successful proponent. Elenchus will lead and facilitate all consultations. The regulatory scorecard will be included in the IESO’s revenue requirement submission.
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Elenchus will facilitate stakeholder input on relevant measures for use in the regulatory scorecard
February 3, 2017
Agenda and Handout
Meeting #1
Elenchus will introduce its approach to developing the regulatory scorecard, receive input on the approach and on content of the scorecard.
IESO Evidence Presentation
In the settlement agreement on the IESO’s 2016 Revenue Requirement Submission (EB-2015-0275), the IESO agreed to work with intervenors to develop four standard financial reporting forms, following the OEB issued Chapter 2 Appendices for electricity distributors 2017 Cost of Service applications. These forms may be modified as necessary or appropriate to reflect the particular circumstances of the IESO and are to be included in the IESO’s revenue requirement submission. The four standard financial reporting forms are:
The IESO requests written comments on the proposed Appendices be sent to the IESO by March 24, 2017. Comments may be sent via email to