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Corporate IESO > Ministerial Directives > Conservation First Framework timelines extension

Conservation First Framework timelines extension

July 22, 2020

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

WHEREAS the Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (Minister), and the Associate Minister of Energy, are committed to ensuring that Ontario has an affordable and reliable electricity system, while continuing to find further cost efficiencies in the electricity sector;

AND WHEREAS it is desirable that the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) take action to assist entities delivering conservation and demand management (COM) programs impacted by the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19);

AND WHEREAS the Minister may, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, issue directives under section 25.32 of the Electricity Act, 1998 that require the IESO to undertake any initiative or activity that relates to measures related to the conservation of electricity or the management of electricity demand;

NOW THEREFORE the Directive attached hereto is approved and shall be and is effective as of the date hereof.

I, Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, with the support of Bill Walker, Associate Minister of Energy, hereby direct the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) pursuant to section 25.32 of the Electricity Act, 1998 (Act) in regard to certain projects or undertakings that were initiated or continued under the electricity conservation and demand management (COM) procurement initiative known as the 2015-2020 Conservation First Framework (CFF) that was established under the direction entitled "2015-2020 Conservation First Framework" issued to the Ontario Power Authority on March 31, 2014 and was discontinued pursuant to the Minister's Directive issued to the IESO on March 21, 2019, as approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to Order-in-Council No. 380/2019 dated March 20, 2019 as follows:

We are aware that the current health crisis caused by the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has delayed the completion of projects that were undertaken under the CFF. Our government understands that this has impacted participants' ability to meet project deadlines, including as a result of the mandatory closure of non­-essential construction projects and supply chain delays.

The government understands the need for flexibility and the challenges facing businesses during this difficult time and is therefore directing the IESO to enable extensions of in-service deadlines and other time periods for CFF projects up until 30, 2021. These extensions are intended to offset the disruption caused by COVID-1 and provide stability for participants and those businesses involved in the supply chain, vendor and contractor community that support the implementation of CFF projects.


Therefore, in accordance with the authority I have pursuant to section 25.32 of the Act, I hereby direct the IESO as follows:

In respect of participant agreements under the CFF (i) entered into by the IESO, or (ii) entered into by a local distribution company (LDC) and that are compliant with the CFF Program Wind-Down Guideline dated March 21, 2019, the IESO may take steps, including to amend or facilitate amendments, to extend in-service deadlines and other time periods (including those related to project implementation, savings achievement, reporting, and termination) in those participant agreements until June 30, 2021, and to take any further steps or facilitate any other amendments that result from any such extensions. Any electricity savings or demand reductions achieved during any extended time period shall continue to be attributable to the CFF.


This directive takes effect in the date it is issued.