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Corporate IESO > Ministerial Directives > Approval of IESO's Long-Term Energy Plan Implementation Plan

Approval of IESO's Long-Term Energy Plan Implementation Plan

February 15, 2018

Dear Mr. Gregg: 

I am writing in response to the Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) Implementation Plan submitted to me by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) on January 31, 2018. I approve this plan and am looking forward to working with the IESO as it moves forward on the initiatives contained in the plan.

The Province followed the energy planning process outlined in the Electricity Act, 1998 to prepare the 2017 LTEP: Delivering Fairness and Choice. Regarding implementation, the legislative process gives me the authority to issue a directive to the I ESQ requesting it prepare a plan to implement specific LTEP initiatives. The implementation plan submitted by the IESO fulfils the requirements of the directive I issued to the IESO on October 26, 2017.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IESO for engaging with First Nations and Metis, customers, communities and stakeholders through multiple channels to support the development of this implementation plan. I trust that the IESO will continue to successfully work with these partners as it implements the initiatives outlined in the plan.

The initiatives within the IESO'S implementation plan represent an opportunity to work toward a more inclusive, innovative, transparent and customer-focused electricity system. I look forward to seeing more detail over time about work plans to address those elements of the LTEP and my directive that will be further developed, as well as progress on these initiatives that you have outlined and the benefits they will bring to Ontario's energy system.

Once again, thank you for your dedication and hard work, and I look forward to continuing to work together to serve Ontario and its ratepayers.


Glenn Thibeault,
Minister of Energy