Market and Planning Data Engagement
November 23, 2023
The IESO is initiating an engagement initiative as outlined in the Settlement Agreement for the 2023-2025 Revenue Requirement Submission EB-2022-0318. This initiative aims to start an open, two-way dialogue with stakeholders and communities to better understand how the IESO can provide greater access to Planning and Market Data.
Using the jurisdictional review as a starting point, the IESO will gather feedback to shape future decisions regarding the data available for access while ensuring a balance between transparency and security in the evolving landscape of electricity system planning and market data.
During this dialogue, stakeholders will be invited to provide specific details about the data they currently access, and seek to gain access to, based on the nature of their participation in the electricity market.
To stay connected, and to contribute to this initiative, we invite you to fill out the Market and Planning Data Questionnaire that is available on the Market and Planning Data engagement webpage.