Call for nominations to the Achievable Potential Study Advisory Group
February 8, 2018
The IESO and the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), collectively the Project Team, are planning to conduct an integrated electricity and natural gas conservation achievable potential study (APS) to be completed by June 2019. The main objective of the APS is to identify and quantify energy savings (electricity and natural gas) and GHG emission reductions and associated costs from demand side resources for the period of 2019-2038. An APS Advisory Group will provide a forum for stakeholder members to provide input and advice on the APS and for the Project Team to communicate study updates. Interested parties are invited to review the call for APS Advisory Group members, the draft Terms of Reference, the draft project charter and the draft engagement plan on the engagement webpage and submit feedback and/or expressions of interest to participate in the APS Advisory Group to by February 21, 2018.