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Regional Electricity Planning - South Georgian Bay/Muskoka

Forecasting and Planning

Regional electricity planning in the South Georgian Bay/Muskoka region is underway. This engagement initiative will continue at the sub-regional level for the purposes of seeking input into the development of Integrated Regional Resource Plans (IRRPs) for the Parry Sound/Muskoka and Barrie/Innisfil sub-regions anticipated to be posted in Q2 2022.

Regional electricity plans take a 20-year outlook on every region in the province. The planning process provides an opportunity for communities to tell the IESO about anticipated needs and priorities and to contribute to the development of the options for meeting this region’s future electricity needs.

All interested parties are invited to participate in this engagement initiative and may include but are not limited to:

  • Counties of Simcoe County, Dufferin County, and County of Grey and related municipalities; the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound and related municipalities
  • Indigenous communities including the First Nations of Henvey Inlet, Magnetawan, Shawanaga, Wasauksing, Moose Deer Point, Beausoleil, Wahta Mohawks, Chippewas of Rama, Chippewas of Georgina Island, and Mississaugas of Scugog
  • Local distribution companies (LDCs) who serve the community including Alectra Utilities, InnPower, Orangeville Hydro, Elexicon Hydro, Lakeland Power, EPCOR Electricity, Newmarket-Tay Power, Hydro One Networks, and the IESO
  • Transmitters
  • Consumers and service providers for the area

South Georgian Bay/Muskoka Technical Working Group- As part of the Technical Working Group consisting of the eight LDCs in the region, the local transmitter, the IESO will use this regional planning engagement initiative to consider input to IRRPs at the sub-regional levels with the respective Technical Working Groups.

All comments and enquiries about this engagement initiative can be directed to

Related Information

Also see the regional planning webpage for South Georgian Bay/Muskoka.

Schedule of Activities

Date Materials Expected Actions

November 30, 2020

IESO response to feedback

Final Scoping Assessment


Engagement closed at regional level; continues at Barrie/Innisfil and Parry Sound/Muskoka sub-regional level 

November 4, 2020

Feedback due on load forecast, preliminary local needs/issues and timelines


October 14, 2020

Public Webinar #1



  • Overview of the regional electricity planning process in Ontario
  • Update on planning activities underway in the region
  • Overview of draft Scoping Assessment

Next steps

Recorded Presentation

Seek input on draft load forecast, preliminary local needs/issues and timelines

October 8, 2020

Draft South Georgian Bay/Muskoka Scoping Assessment Outcome Report

Posted for public comment 

October 1, 2020

Launch South Georgian Bay/Muskoka Scoping Assessment engagement