The IESO is conducting a stakeholder engagement initiative to redesign its outage management process and tools. This redesign will focus on enhancements to outage-related services to market participants, as well as better align the IESO's process with its interconnected neighbours. The intent of the consultation is to ensure that those market participants who submit outage information to the IESO have an opportunity to provide feedback and input in the process redesign.
This redesign is in response to a preliminary review of outage processes along with discussions among stakeholders who identified objectives that will improve efficiencies in maintenance planning efforts, improve coordination among all customers and provide longer-term certainty on outage requests.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Draft)
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Final)
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Updated April 4, 2014)
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Updated November 5, 2014)
Documents referenced on this page, but not posted, can be obtained by contacting with a link to the web page that lists the document and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.
Date |
Activities |
Expected Actions |
November 21, 2016 |
Outage Management Redesign Engagement now complete
October 26, 2016 |
Go Live Implementation |
October 5, 2016 |
September 27, 2016 |
Date Change for Launch of Outage Management System Process and System Redesign and Next Webinar – Rescheduled
Outage Management - Process and Tool Training Webinar Recording - (Webex player)
Outage Management Redesign Web Client User Guide (Final, October 26, 2016)
This video demonstrates how to create an outage request and save it into draft status. The draft status is typically used for outage requests that are being planned but are not yet ready for submission to the IESO. Searching for draft outage requests is also shown.
2. Submitting a Planned Outage
This video demonstrates creating and submitting the most common type of outage request – a generic planned outage with an Out-of-service (OOS) constraint code and a continuous recurrence.
3. Submitting a Planned (Continuous) De-rating
Demonstrates creating and submitting a planned de-rating with a continuous recurrence – most commonly used to reflect the limited capability of a generating unit for a continuous period of time.
4. Submitting a Planned (Non-Continuous) De-rating
Demonstrates creating and submitting a planned de-rating with a non-continuous recurrence – typically used to reflect the capability of a generating unit during testing or as it ramps up or down from an outage.
5. Submitting a Planned Protection Outage
Demonstrates creating and submitting a planned outage to equipment protections using the new Protection Out-of-service (PROT OOS) constraint code. Also demonstrated is the automatic transition to Advance Approved status once a mandatory low-impact question is answered.
Demonstrates creating and submitting a planned outage to a generator AVR or PSS using the new AVR/PSS OOS constraint code. Also demonstrated is the automatic transition to Advance Approved status once a mandatory low-impact question is answered.
7. Submitting a Planned Outage in Conflict
Demonstrates the conflict checking feature of the application when an outage is submitted in conflict with another outage (in accordance with IESO outage planning guidelines). The system displays a warning message describing the conflict and requires that rationale be provided to proceed with submission in the event the conflict cannot be avoided.
8. Submitting a Non-Critical Outage for Weekly Advance Approval (AA)
Demonstrates how to submit a non-critical outage into the new Weekly AA process. Indication that the request for Weekly AA was successful is also shown.
9. Submitting a Planned Outage Eligible for Automatic Advance Approval (Auto AA)
Demonstrates the Auto Advance Approval feature of the system using the new Breaker Fail Protection Out-of-service (BF PROT OOS) constraint code. Auto advance approval can only be granted after a series of low-impact questions are answered favourably.
Demonstrates both the Auto Advance Approval and Final Approval in Advance features of the system using the new HOLDOFF constraint code. Only a subset of Auto Advance Approved outages are also eligible to receive Final Approval in Advance. See Market Manual 7.3 for additional information about the FAA process.
11. Saving an Advance Approved Outage as Draft
Demonstrates retrieving an outage already in the Advance Approved status and saving it into a draft status. This feature can be used in situations where the outage applicant is no longer able to proceed with the outage request as originally planned but would like to retain the outage request for future use.
12. Submitting an Opportunity Outage
Demonstrates submitting an opportunity outage following an unsuccessful attempt to submit a planned outage once a submission deadline has passed. Opportunity outages should only be submitted if they present an unexpected opportunity to perform work and present a low risk to the power system (e.g. during surplus conditions for generator outages or improved weather conditions for transmitter outages).
13. Submitting a Forced Outage
Demonstrates creating and implementing a forced outage after providing an actual time of occurrence. Note that forced outages are unable to be submitted in advance. For advance notification of non-discretionary outages, the Urgent priority code is used. This video also demonstrates viewing a forced outage amongst other outages in the outage index view summary.
Demonstrates searching and selecting an outage in Final Approved status and then implementing (i.e. starting) the outage by applying an actual start time. Note that planned outages can only be implemented once the outage applicant has requested final approval from the IESO and the IESO has manually transitioned the outage request to Final Approved status.
15. Force-Extending an Implemented outage
Demonstrates how to force-extend an outage that is already implemented and is unable to be completed on time. For planned extensions, a new planned outage must be submitted to the IESO in accordance with the submission deadlines for planned outages.
Demonstrates searching and selecting an outage in the Implemented status and then completing (i.e. ending) the outage by applying an actual end time.
Demonstrates searching and selecting an outage in the Submitted status and then cancelling the outage after providing a reason for doing so.
August 16, 2016 |
New Online Outage Management System to be implemented September 14
August 16, 2016 |
Outage Management - Process and Tool Training Webinar
August 9, 2016 |
Outage Planning Guideline and Transmission Outage Report Schemas
August 9, 2016 |
Outage Management - Process and Tool Training Webinar
August 8 - August 26, 2016 |
Market Trials
Stakeholders to participate and provide feedback |
August 5, 2016 |
Stakeholder feedback on Market Manuals due |
July 27, 2016 |
Webinar to review Market Trials, Training and Go Live Implementation
July 14, 2016 |
Notification of Market Manual 7.3 Outage Management Upcoming Change Stakeholders to review and provide feedback
May 27, 2016 |
Outage Management Redesign Process Summary
May 4, 2016 |
April 15, 2016 |
Notification of Market Manual 7.3 Outage Management Upcoming Change
Stakeholders to review and provide feedback |
March 4, 2016 |
Stakeholder Feedback due
February 23, 2016 |
Q4 2015 - Q1 2016 |
Stakeholders to review and provide feedback on Transition strategy, Testing strategy and Communication strategy |
Stakeholders to provide written input on various strategies |
December 9, 2015 |
SE-109 Update and Reminder for Preliminary Web Client Testing
December 4, 2015 |
Stakeholder Feedback due No stakeholder feedback received |
November 19, 2015 |
October 14, 2015 |
IESO Response to SE-109 Stakeholder Feedback Requested on the August 19 Meeting Materials |
September 25, 2015 |
Stakeholder feedback due on undesirable equipment combinations |
September 4, 2015 |
Stakeholder feedback due on materials presented at August 19 meeting |
August 19, 2015 |
Stakeholders meeting(s) to review and discuss Outage Planning Guideline and Transition/Migration plan for outage requests
IESO to post meeting materials in advance |
June 4, 2015 |
Update on Recent Technical Panel Determinations |
May 15, 2015 |
Stakeholder Feedback
April 17, 2015 |
IESO Response to SE-109 Feedback Requested on the Apr 01 Meeting Materials |
April 10, 2015 |
Stakeholder feedback due on materials presented at April 1st meeting
Stakeholder Feedback
April 1, 2015 |
Stakeholder meeting(s) to review Market Manuals and Undesirable Equipment Combinations
IESO to post meeting materials in advance |
February 27, 2015 |
IESO Response to SE-109 Feedback Requested on the Feb 11 Meeting Materials |
February 20, 2015 |
Stakeholder Feedback Communication |
February 11, 2015 |
Stakeholder meeting(s) to review and consult on Market Rules development
IESO to post meeting materials in advance |
December 15, 2014 |
Notification of Adequacy Reporting Initiative |
November 26, 2014 |
Meeting –Cancelled
November 5, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
October 24, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback due and next meeting date
Stakeholder Feedback
October 15, 2014 |
September 22, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
September 12, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback on Requirements Summary
September 5, 2014 |
Stakholder Feedback
Stakeholders to provide feedback on the materials presented at the August 27 meeting. |
August 27, 2014 Agenda |
August 22, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
August 15, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholders to provide feedback on the materials presented at the July 30 meeting. |
July 30, 2014 Agenda |
July 18, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
July 11, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
July 3, 2014 |
June 20, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
June 13, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
June 4, 2014 |
May 23, 2014 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
May 2, 2014 |
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholders to provide feedback on the updated materials presented at the April 23rd meeting. |
April 23, 2014 |
Stakeholder meeting to begin the Final Process Redesign
Materials to be posted in advance |
February 5, 2014 |
Interim Outage Management Process implementation complete
February 3, 2014 |
Outage Management Process Redesign (SE-109) - software testing complete
January 30, 2014 |
Stakeholders to provide feedback on the sandbox testing |
January 15,2014 |
Stakeholder meeting to further review process changes required for the Interim Process and conduct a table top session
Materials to be posted in advance |
December 11, 2013 |
Stakeholder meeting to review the process changes required for the Interim Process and to conduct a table top session
Materials to be posted in advance |
December 2, 2013 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
Comments and responses document posted to web |
November 22, 2013 |
Stakeholder feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholders to provide written feedback |
November 18, 2013 |
November 13, 2013 Agenda |
Stakeholder meeting to discuss Market Manual 7.3, Appendix B: Outage Reporting Requirements and interim process implementation
October 25, 2013 |
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback
October 18, 2013 |
Stakeholder feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholder to provide feedback on the draft market manual amendments |
October 9, 2013 |
Stakeholder Meeting to discuss Pre-Approval Criteria & Market Manual Changes
Materials to be posted in advance |
September 27, 2013 |
IESO response to stakeholder feedback on Interim Process rule changes |
Comments and Responses Document Posted to Web |
September 27, 2013 |
Informational webinar - Update on Interim Process Rule Changes |
September 13, 2013 |
Stakeholder feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholders to provide written feedback |
September 4, 2013 |
Stakeholder Meeting to review draft Market Manuals
Materials to be posted in advance |
August 23, 2013 |
Stakeholder feedback due
Stakeholders to provide feedback on draft market rules |
August 7, 2013 |
Stakeholder Meeting to discuss draft Market Rule changes and stakeholder feedback for transition of Proposed Redesign
Materials to be posted in advance |
July 19, 2013 |
Summary of Feedback from June 20 Revised Outage Management Redesign Proposal
July 9, 2013 |
Presentation to Technical Panel to seek consideration of future market rule changes |
July 5, 2013 |
Stakeholder feedback due
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholder to provide feedback on draft process documents |
June 20, 2013 |
Stakeholder Meeting to review draft process documents
Materials to be posted in advance |
May 31, 2013 |
Summary of Feedback and IESO Response |
May 24, 2013 |
Feedback Requested on Proposed Outage Management Process Redesign |
Stakeholder Feedback Due |
May 14, 2013 |
Stakeholder meeting to review draft process documents
Materials to be posted in advance |
April 26, 2013 |
Stakeholder Feedback
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
Stakeholders to provide feedback on draft design principles and stakeholder engagement plan |
April 19, 2013 |
Communication - Questions for Input on Outage Practices |
April 17, 2013 |
Stakeholder Meeting to discuss draft SE Plan and design principles
Materials to be posted in advance |
March 28, 2013 |
Communicate launch of stakeholder engagement and publish stakeholder engagement plan
Stakeholders to provide feedback on Stakeholder Engagement Plan |