Attendees are invited to participate in any or all of the sessions. Each of the sessions will be held as a separate webinar as shown in the agenda below. Pre-registration is recommended for each of the sessions you plan on attending.
Meeting Materials
For meeting materials, please click on the title of the session to access the engagement webpage where documents are posted two weeks in advance of meetings.
This engagement update provides a snapshot of all active IESO engagement activities and is updated on a monthly basis. It helps support a greater understanding of linkages between engagements, and a foundation for more comprehensive and integrated updates.
To register for all the sessions below, please click here.
Bulk Planning: Engagement on the final high-level design of the Bulk System Planning Process and the process detail for stakeholder engagement.
Regional Planning: Update on the regional planning process review engagement completed in May 2021, with a key focus on progress implementing the recommendations to address barriers to non-wires alternatives in regional planning. The IESO is seeking stakeholder feedback on its work to date on the draft process, screening mechanism, and tools to consider and evaluate non-wires alternatives in regional planning. An update will also be provided on the status of the additional recommendations of the Regional Planning Process Review report. Lastly, the IESO will introduce a regional planning activities dashboard for the regional planning webpage.
The IESO will provide stakeholders with a program design update which builds off of the earlier materials presented and the feedback received from the initial engagement session in June. At this meeting the IESO will provide a draft program structure, including key draft program requirements and eligibility criteria, as well as share a proposed project selection framework and estimated program timelines. This engagement will also feature targeted questions seeking further input on the program design.
During this engagement webinar, the IESO will introduce the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Roadmap objectives and draft timelines as well as seek feedback on the Roadmap product and content. The OEB/IESO will introduce a draft list of cross-cutting issues where the OEB/IESO are collaborating, including potential areas for enhanced collaboration for stakeholder input.
The purpose of this session is to introduce the DER Market Vision and Design Project. The focus of this project is to examine how to cost-effectively enhance the value DERs can provide to Ontario’s electricity system by expanding participation in wholesale markets.
The IESO released an assessment of the impacts of phasing-out natural gas generation by 2030. Stakeholders are welcome to participate in an engagement webinar on October 21 where the IESO will provide a briefing of the report and answer stakeholder questions pertaining to the assessment.
IESO will review and discuss the Design Document for 2022 Enhancements to the Capacity Auction.
The IESO will provide stakeholders with an update on the feedback received on the Medium Term RFP and review next steps with respect to this engagement.