Attendees are invited to participate in any or all of the sessions. Each of the sessions will be held as a separate meeting as shown in the agenda below. Pre-registration is recommended for each of the sessions you plan on attending.
Meeting Materials
For meeting materials, please click on the title of the session to access the engagement webpage where documents are posted.
This engagement update provides a snapshot of all active IESO engagement activities and is updated on a monthly basis. It helps support a greater understanding of linkages between engagements, and a foundation for more comprehensive and integrated updates.
The IESO received a letter from the Minister of Energy on May 8, 2024 related to the development of a Northern Hydro Program for eligible hydroelectric facilities greater than 10MW. The IESO will engage with the northern hydroelectric community and inform sector participants of the program design.
The IESO will present the final evaluation of the IESO York Region Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration. Funded by NRCan and IESO and delivered by Alectra. The webinar will discuss the results of the local capacity and local energy auctions, performance of participating DERs, an illustrative cost-benefit analysis, participant feedback from interviews, and recommendations for future programs.
The IESO will provide updates to the LT2 RFP Procurement, including draft requirements for community engagement and Indigenous participation. Updates on Rated Criteria and feedback received following the June 13 engagement session will also be included.
The IESO will discuss feedback received following the June session. The webinar will include updates on 2024 Capacity Auction Enhancements and begin discussion on 2025 Capacity Auction Enhancements, including a review of commitment management options and expanding participation to wind and solar resources. The IESO will also provide capacity testing updates, including a review of winter 2023-2024 and summer 2024 test results, and lessons learned from the new testing framework from the summer 2024 testing week.
IESO will present the commercial considerations, readiness and participation consideration; Indigenous participation, regulatory considerations, and expected next steps.