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IESO launches Capacity Exports Stakeholder Engagement

February 19, 2015

The IESO has been investigating the potential for allowing Ontario generators to export their capacity to other jurisdictions and enabling Ontario to import capacity when required. Stakeholders are invited to participate in a Stakeholder Engagement (SE) to provide input into the process which will establish the rules and protocols to enable market participants with generating capacity not required to maintain Ontario's reliability requirements an opportunity to offer their capacity into other markets. Facilitating the trade of capacity, just like the trade of energy, is expected to improve the efficient utilization of assets on a regional basis and consistent with neighbouring markets.

A draft stakeholder engagement plan has been posted on the Capacity Exports SE webpage. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the draft plan and provide feedback on the proposed approach by March 19. The first stakeholder meeting for this initiative will take place on March 10. Stakeholders interested in participating in this engagement can contact for further details and to register.

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