Guide for all Contact Roles

Online IESO Contact Roles

Each participant organization may add any of the following contact roles in Online IESO, for registration with the IESO, depending on their participation type. Some contact roles are mandatory, while others may be added as required. Mandatory organization contact roles are responsible for annually responding to the ‘Audit Organization’ tasks that are used to assist the participant organization in maintaining up to date records. We advise assigning at least two individuals to each applicable contact role. The responsibilities for each contact role are described below. See the printable pdf of the Contact Roles.

Participants are responsible for populating and maintaining applicable and accurate contact roles. Participant contact roles are subject to a ‘Person Audit’ every three years for account validation and to ensure records are up to date. Lack of a response to this audit could result in the possible termination of the account user’s access to all IESO systems. Incomplete or inaccurate contact roles may result in participants being unable to complete essential functions, miss critical communication such as those regarding compliance obligations etc. Failure to have accurate contact information will not delay or defer any other Participant accountabilities.

Managing Contact Roles

Review and, if necessary, change the contact information.

All contact roles are required to update their contact information as applicable. In Online IESO, on the Actions page, select “Manage My Information”.  Review the business contact information shown and make any necessary changes. Be sure to keep all phone numbers and email addresses up to date.

Registering and Removing Contact Roles

  1. Avoid registration delays by searching first for a person to see if the person is registered in Online IESO. This prevents duplicate registrations. Use the Person ID number to verify that a registered person is the correct contact for your organization.
  2. On the Actions page, select “Update Organization”. Indicate the organization the contact is being added to.
  3. Click “Next” and choose “Update Contact(s)” to continue. You can update a contact “By Person” or “By Role” (contact role type) or “By Section” (single point of contact for a group at the participant organization).

Note: There must be at least one person registered for each mandatory participant organization contact. If replacing a mandatory participant organization contact, register the replacement individual contact first for that role. The replacement can then remove the original contact.

I. Organization Contact Roles

Applicant Representative: Mandatory participant organization contact responsible for market participation and program tasks, including maintaining up-to-date registered business contacts. Accessible in Online IESO

More information
  • The IESO administers a physical market with various participation types, a financial market (transmission rights) and other special-purpose programs. The Applicant Representative is responsible for registering the organization in a market or program through Online IESO. 
  • The Applicant Representative updates information related to the organization’s participation in IESO-administered markets or programs, such as main address, OEB licence(s), CER Permits, and Emergency Preparedness Plan. They also initiate the participation registrations for authorization in Online IESO.
  • When there is more than one Applicant Representative at an organization, all Applicant Representatives will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team.  An accepted task will be assigned to one Applicant Representative until complete.
  • The Applicant Representative can create user-resource relationships so Dispatch Data Submitters (Persons) can submit data for specific physical resources in the EMI (Energy Market Interface). 
    • Note: On the Actions page, select “Manage Resources”, and select “Modify User-Resource Relationships”.
  • The Applicant Representative maintains the participant organization’s registered contacts and business relationships, and ensures registered contacts have appropriate access to the IESO systems, in coordination with the Rights Administrator. 
    • Notifications will be sent out when tasks are assigned.  An organization may assign a relationship role for their resource (Operator, MMP, RMP, MSP). The Applicant Representative is responsible for accepting this relationship role.
    •  For example, to assign a Metered Service Provider (MSP): accept the task and select the MSP organization. This task will be available as part of ‘Manage Resource’ or ‘Manage Facilities and Equipment’, once the MMP or MMPT are confirmed. 
  • The Applicant Representative submits a renewed OEB Licence or CER Permit when required. (Note: On the Actions page, select ‘Update Organization’ to upload a pdf copy of a licence or permit. Choose ‘Submit’ licence to continue. 
  • The Applicant Representative also submits a new Emergency Preparedness Plan. (Note: On the Actions page, select ‘Update Organization’ and choose ‘Submit Emergency Preparedness Plan’ to continue.  

Authorized Representative:  Mandatory participant organization contact responsible for contractually binding the organization with the IESO (i.e. a senior officer of the organization) and assigning other Authorized Representatives and Primary Contacts. Accessible in Online IESO.

  • Authorized Representatives receive certain notices, including changes to the participant organization’s banking information made by an Invoicing and Banking contact, and complete tasks assigned by the IESO. The Authorized Representative can choose to review, reject or approve the Banking Information change when this Task is received.
  • Additional Authorized Representatives may be added. If an Authorized Representative is no longer available, then a new Authorized Representative must be established. Contact Customer Relations for more information. 
  • When there is more than one Authorized Representative at an organization, all Authorized Representatives will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team. An accepted task will be assigned to one Authorized Representative until complete.

Primary Contact: Mandatory participant organization contact responsible for serving as the IESO’s day-to-day contact (i.e. a senior employee of the organization) and for assigning Rights Administrators and other Primary Contacts. Accessible in Online IESO.

  • This contact receives certain notices, including changes to the participant organization’s banking information made by an Invoicing and Banking contact, and completes tasks assigned by the IESO. This contact can choose to review, reject or approve the Banking Information change when this Task is received.
  • When there is more than one Primary Contact at an organization, all Primary Contacts will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team.  An accepted task will be assigned to one Primary Contact until complete.

Rights Administrator: Mandatory participant organization contact (should be an employee of the organization) responsible for requesting access to IESO information and for assigning Applicant Representatives.

  • The Rights Administrator performs the face-to-face proofing of participant individuals requesting an IESO User Account and can make requests to add or remove access to IESO systems for either Person or Machine Accounts (API), according to the organization’s participation. Accessible in Online IESO.
  • The Rights Administrator can add or remove IP addresses associated with a Machine Account (API) registered for an organization via “Manage System” action (Note this activity takes 10 business days to be processed, and the exact API account name is necessary to complete this action). 
  • The Rights Administrator can assign system access roles for person or Machine account (API) and require specific system access for Prudential Requirements to work with the IESO. This system access must be assigned by the Rights Administrator, who will be notified to grant the necessary system access using the “Manage System Access” action.
  • When there is more than one Rights Administrator at an organization, all Rights Administrators will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team, or address tasks individually.

II. Participation Contact Roles 

Bids and Offers: Section (24/7 - Operations Desk, Energy Trading Floor) to be contacted regarding the bids or offers for the organization.

Capacity Auction Contact: Participant organization contact responsible for administering all tasks and questions related to Capacity Auction. Accessible in Online IESO ( and

CDM Plan Administrator: Participant organization contact responsible for developing the detailed Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan for a Local Distribution Company (LDC). Accessible in Online IESO.

CDM Plan Primary Administrator: Participant organization contact responsible for coordinating CDM Plan development and submission for an LDC. Accessible in Online IESO.

CDM Reported Results Submitter: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting monthly/quarterly reported results to the IESO. Accessible in Online IESO.

Compliance and Market Surveillance: Participant organization contact responsible for matters related to the organization’s compliance with the market rules and conduct within the IESO-administered markets. This responsibility includes submitting self-reports for possible breaches of the market rules. Accessible in Online IESO.

Contributor Information Contact: Participant organization contact responsible for all tasks and questions related to contributor information. This applies to Capacity Market Participants using virtual Hourly Demand Response Resources. Accessible in Online IESO.

Control Room Section: Participant organization section or the control center responsible for 24/7 real-time operational matters related to the control room.

Day-Ahead Bids & Offers: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting and/or changing day-ahead bids or offers.

Demand Response Auction Contact: Participant organization contact responsible for all tasks related to Demand Response Auction.

Dispatch Data Submitter: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting and/or changing the real-time bids, offers or schedules. Before a Dispatch Data Submitter can submit data for a specific physical resource, an Applicant Representative must create a user-resource relationship (i.e. assign rights) for that resource to the Dispatch Data Submitter. Removing a Dispatch Data Submitter also removes all dispatch data they have submitted. Accessible in Energy Market Interface (EMI).

Dispatch Data Viewer: Participant organization contact responsible for viewing submitted real-time bids, offers or schedules. Accessible in Energy Market Interface (EMI).

Dispatch High and Normal Priority: Facility contact role assigned to a Section only (24/7 contact). Responsible for operating responding to requests from the IESO Control Room. This contact is added by the Applicant Representative through update organization – update Facility contacts.

Dispatch Instruction Operator: Participant organization contact responsible for accepting or rejecting dispatch instructions issued by the IESO for a registered facility. Each market participant who may receive and accept/reject dispatch instructions must have at least one Dispatch Instruction Operator registered with the IESO. Accessible in Dispatch.

Dispatch Instruction Viewer: Participant organization contact responsible for viewing received dispatch instructions issued by the IESO for a registered facility. Accessible in Dispatch.

Emergency Preparedness Plan: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting and updating the Emergency Preparedness Plan. Accessible in Online IESO.

Energy Efficiency Service Provider Data Submitter: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting Energy Efficiency program data to the IESO for Reporting and Settlements. Accessible in Online IESO.

Energy Limited Resource Forecast: Participant organization contact responsible for the submission of the energy limited resource forecast. Accessible in Online IESO.

E-Tag Curtailment: Participant organization contact responsible for receiving notifications regarding the limiting of energy flow on an arranged and/or confirmed interchange transaction.

Equipment Outage Late Notification Contact: Participant organization contact that is common for participant organizations authorized as an equipment operator. This contact is responsible for receiving outage notifications that are late to start, and for taking appropriate action as required. See Equipment Registration and Outage Submission Roles, as well as the Facility Registration Filefor more details.

Equipment Outage Submitter: Participant organization contact that is common for participant organizations authorized as an equipment operator. This contact is responsible for submitting, updating and cancelling outage requests for all equipment in operation. See Equipment Registration and Outage Submission Roles, as well as the Facility Registration File for more details. Accessible in CROW.

Equipment Outage Viewer: Participant organization contact that is common for participant organizations authorized as an equipment operator. This contact is responsible for read-only outage requests for all equipment in operation. Accessible in CROW.

Equipment Registration Specialist: Participant organization contact that is common for participant organizations with ownership of a facility. This contact is responsible for submitting registration requests and the related facility, resource and equipment information, and modifying third party viewership. See Equipment Registration and Outage Submission Roles, as well as the Facility Registration File for more details. Accessible in Online IESO.

Facility Coordinator: Participant organization contact responsible for reviewing and managing Industrial program applications. This contact role is assigned to an individual available during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Accessible in Online IESO.

Industrial Application Program Analyst: Participant organization contact responsible for reviewing and managing Industrial program applications. Accessible in Online IESO.

Industrial Application Service Provider Analyst: Participant organization contact responsible for reviewing and managing Industrial program applications on behalf of LDCs. Accessible in Online IESO.

Information Technology: Participant organization contact responsible for communicating with the IESO about information technology services, projects and changes.

Invoice & Banking: Participant organization contact that is responsible for submitting, approving and maintaining the organization’s banking information. Where possible, two (2) contacts should be established in this role. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • Updated banking information is required when the participant organization is requesting participation in an IESO market or program that requires banking information.
    • Updates and reviews are made by selecting “Update Organization” and choosing “Update Banking Information” to continue.
  • Banking information changes are assigned to all Invoicing and Banking Contacts, Authorized Representatives, and Primary Contacts to accept, approve or reject.
  • Note: The Invoicing and Banking contact that inputs the changes cannot be the same person to accept, approve or reject the second task.This is a security feature built to protect the participant from fraudulent activity.

Market Participant Compliance Contact: Participant organization contact responsible for reliability compliance under the Ontario Reliability Compliance Program.  This includes preparing and submitting Self-Certifications, periodic data submittals and data requests and in cases of potential non-compliance, submitting Self-Reports and providing associated mitigation plans. Accessible in Online IESO.

Market Participant Escalation Contact: Participant organization contact responsible for reporting reliability compliance on escalated matters (for example, when due dates are missed) under the Ontario Reliability Compliance Program.  This person is preferably of higher authority than the person designated as the Market Participant Compliance Contact. Accessible in Online IESO.

Meter Data Associate (MDA): Participant organization contact that is responsible for assigning access of delivery point data to others. Meter Data Associate (MDA) relationships at delivery points allow organizations to assign access to delivery point data to another participant organization. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • Participant organizations can be assigned as a recipient of an MDA relationship for a delivery point by ensuring that the Applicant Representative becomes an authorized MDA through the following steps in Online IESO:
  1. Login to Online IESO as an Applicant Representative.
  2. On the “Actions” page click on “Manage Participation” and select an organization and click “Next” Select “Enter Participant Service Provider Participation” and click “Next”
  3. Select service “Meter Data Associate” and click “Continue”, then click “Proceed” to submit the request
  4. On the “Tasks” page, complete the “Assign Contact Role(s) for participant organization”: Meter Data Associate Request (‘request #’)”. Assign a mandatory “Revenue Metering Data” contact role and other optional contact roles for the MDA participation.

Meter Trouble Report (MMP): Mandatory for participant organizations authorized as Metered Market Participants (MMP). This contact is responsible for meter installations that provide metering data to the IESO, and for receiving and reviewing meter trouble reports. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • The Meter Trouble Report Contact receives email notifications when Meter Trouble Reports (MTRs) are issued, closed or late and can access MTRs through Online IESO. This contact can add comments to an open MTR through “Related Actions” about planned work/outage or schedule information that could be relevant to resolving the meter issue.
  • The Meter Trouble Report Contact generates reports on issued MTRs and can comments to MTRs to share information with the IESO and or MSP which could facilitate the resolution of an MTR such as noting relevant planned work or outage information.
  • The Meter Trouble Report Contact can view the participant organization’s MTRs, meter failure details, discussion with the IESO and the final resolution of the MTR.
  • Meter Trouble Report Contacts can generate historical/current reports on MTRs issued for Meter Installations and filter by installation, date, type (Communication, validation, EITRP and Outage) and status (open, resolved, closed). MTR Overview Reports can also be exported to excel for further sorting, printing, or emailing.
  • To print Meter Trouble Reports in Microsoft Word and XML format: From the Records page, select Meter Trouble Reports. Find the relevant MTR by searching by Facility, MTR# or Meter Installation, and click the MTR to open. Select the “Export Meter Trouble Report” button on the top right to export the MTR in both Word and XML format.

Meter Trouble Report (MSP): Mandatory for participant organizations authorized as Metered Service Providers (MSP). This contact is responsible for accessing, creating, updating and managing meter trouble reports. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • The Meter Trouble Report Contact receives email notifications when Meter Trouble Reports (MTRs) are issued, closed or late and can access MTRs through Online IESO. This contact can add comments to an open MTR through Related Actions about planned work/outage or schedule information that could be relevant to resolving the meter issue.
  • The Meter Trouble Report Contact (MSP) can respond to validation and communication MTRs by documenting the investigation and resolution of MTRs in Online IESO in the Comment Section.
  • This contact can upload data files and other supporting documentation to Online IESO and create the Issue, Outage and Emergency Instrument Transformer Restoration Plan (EITRP) MTRs and update outage schedules. The Meter Trouble Report Contact can open or convert an existing MTR to an Emergency Instrument Transformer Restoration Plan (EITRP) MTR when a voltage or current transformer fails. An EITRP MTR allows more time to explain/resolve the situation and communicate how data will be handled to the IESO and what registration documents will be submitted.
  • This Meter Trouble Report Contact can also generate reports (custom, MTR Upcoming Deadlines, MTR Upcoming Outage End Date, MTR Active Tasks by Assignee, Meter Error Codes Report) on MTRs issued to the participant organization.
    • To generate a custom report on MTRs for Meter Installations and MTR statistics: search/filter by: the facility meter installation, date of issue or nearing PSS/FSS calculation date, type (communication, validation, EITRP or Outage), status (open, resolved, closed).
    • To view MTRs: navigate to the Records page, select Meter Trouble Reports, and scroll or search for the MTR. MTRs can also be viewed in XML format through
  • To print Meter Trouble Reports in Microsoft Word and XML format: From the Records page, select Meter Trouble Reports. Find the relevant MTR by searching by Facility, MTR# or Meter Installation, and click MTR to open. Select the Export Meter Trouble Report button on the top right to export the MTR in both Word and XML format.
  • When there is more than one MSP Meter Trouble Report Contact at an organization, all MSP Meter Trouble Report Contacts will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team, or address tasks individually.

NGEP Gas Distributor Data Observer: Participant organization contact responsible for searching and viewing gas data submissions for a specific program participant. Accessible in Online IESO. 

NGEP Gas Distributor Data Submitter: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting gas program fund administration data. Accessible in Online IESO.

Notice of Disagreement (NOD): Participant organization contact that is responsible for managing documentation and information in the Notice of Disagreement process. Accessible in Online IESO

More information
  • This contact can submit NODs for a preliminary settlement statement in Online IESO. The “Records” page includes all information for submitted NODs, including NOD submission details, attachments, decisions and notifications.
  • Tasks are created in Online IESO to allow the NOD to respond to Information Requests and Notice of Disagreement Decision (10 days to optionally respond).
  • NODs for an Administrative Pricing Event must include the Administrative Pricing Event Correction Form (Form 1549), available on the IESO Market Rules & Manuals Library webpage.
    • To create a Notice of Disagreement: On the Actions page, select the “Create a Notice of Disagreement” action and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the required information.
    • To withdraw an NOD with ‘open’ status: On the Records page, select “Notices of Disagreements”, then select the disagreement you wish to withdraw. In the left menu, choose “Related Actions”, then “Withdraw Notice of Disagreement”. Fill in the required information and submit.
    • The “Notice of Disagreement Overview Report” lists key details of NODs that can be viewed and exported from the “Reports” page, and the “News” page notes activities for submitted NODs.  

Operator High and Normal Priority: Facility contact role assigned to a Section only (24/7 contact).   Responsible for operating equipment at the facility location and responding to requests from the IESO Control Room. This contact is added by the Applicant Representative through Manage Facility Contact. Accessible in Online IESO.


Prudential Requirements Support Contact: Participant organization contact that is common for participant organizations in the IESO physical markets. This contact is responsible for managing information with regards to collateral funds submitted for prudential support obligations. Collateral funds cover amounts that might be owed to the market if the participant organization is unable to make a payment. Prudential information should be submitted for pre-approval and may take several business days. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • This contact can calculate and submit prudential support obligation as well as test prudential support scenarios. Up to 3 scenarios may be saved per session. Saved scenarios can be found under “Tasks” but once a saved scenario is submitted to the IESO, the remaining scenarios are removed.
  • Letters of Credit must be obtained from a bank that is named on a schedule to the Bank Act and must have a long term credit rating of ‘A’.
  • The Guarantee must be in a form acceptable to the IESO and provided by a person that has a credit rating from a major bond rating agency. Currently the major bond rating agencies recognized by the IESO are S&P, Moody’s and DBRS.
  • Government of Canada Treasury Bills are valued as cash at their current market value less 2%. For example, if a participant has to post $1000 and chooses to provide a Treasury Bill, then the settlement amount of the Treasury Bill must actually be for $1,020 ($1000 * 1.02).
  • To submit Prudential Support information: On the Actions page, select “Submit Prudential Support Information”. Choose your organization, click “Next” and supply the requested information.
    • Notifications regarding approvals or rejections will be provided under the “Tasks’ menu. Pre-approval may require the submission of supporting documentation.
  • Any combination of the 3 types of supporting documentation may be submitted: a) Guarantee (Affiliate/Non-Affiliate); b) Letter of Guarantee/Letter of Credit; and, c) Government of Canada Treasury Bill.
    • Original prudential support documents must be sent to the IESO if requested. Post electronic versions of prudential support documents to allow the IESO treasury to review and advise of corrections before submitting originals. Use the templates supplied on the upload portion of the form.
  • Distributors applying for an LDC prudential credit reduction will be required to post an LDC Prudential Credit Affidavit electronically for IESO review, prior to issuing the originals to IESO.
    • IESO approval will be followed by a Prudential Manager email with a new or revised schedule ‘A’. See Appendix B in the ‘Guide to Prudentials’ at the IESO Training Homepage for more information.


Retrofit 3rd Party Evaluator: Participant organization that is a 3rd party evaluator contact assigned to review specific Retrofit program applications on behalf of the participant organization. Accessible in Online IESO.

Retrofit Audit Contact: Participant organization contact with read only access to Retrofit applications for auditors of the Retrofit program. Accessible in Online IESO.

Retrofit Program Analyst: Participant organization contact responsible for reviewing and managing Retrofit program applications. This contact role is available to participant organizations who are registered for the Retrofit Program. Accessible in Online IESO.

Retrofit Service Provider Analyst: Participant organization contact responsible for reviewing and managing Retrofit program applications. This contact role is available to service providers hired by the IESO to manage the Retrofit Program.

Revenue Metering (MMP): Mandatory for participant organizations authorized as Metered Market Participants (MMP). This contact is responsible for the organization’s master data on meter installations and delivery points. Accessible in Online IESO.

  • This contact is required for participant organizations authorized as a Generator-Metered Market Participant, Load-Metered Market Participant, or Distributor-Metered Market Participant.

MSP Revenue Metering: Mandatory for participant organizations authorized as Metering Service Providers (MSP). This contact is responsible for initiating and completing requests to register, update and de-register revenue meter installations. Accessible in Online IESO.

More information
  • The MSP Revenue Metering Contact is the only one that can initiate Manage Meter Installation requests, receive and manage tasks associated with this request.
  • The MSP Revenue Metering Contact can monitor the status of Manage Meter Installation requests on the “News & Records” page and access data submitted for an in-flight Manage Meter Installation request and the master data related to meter installations and delivery points.
  • This contact also receives tasks associated with Manage Meter Installation requests by other MSP authorized organizations, such as submitting totalization tables for impacted delivery points and approving Site Registration Reports (SRR’s) for impacted delivery points.
    To access Revenue Meter Installations: On the Actions page, select “Manage Meter Installation” and indicate the MSP organization. Choose the type of metering request (Register Meter Installations, Update Meter Installations, Like-for-Like/Master File Update or Deregister Meter Installations), and compete the required tasks.
    • Reports are created for each request tracking the progress of the request and the status of all tasks. Reports are found on the “News & Records” page.
  • In-flight data for on-going requests are accessible, along with the master data for completed requests.
    • In flight data: On the Records page, select the Record for in-flight metering requests and all in-flight requests will be displayed. Select a request and all data submitted for the request will be accessible including documents submitted through the request.
    • Master data: Select the Meter Installations record and the desired registered meter installation. The master data record will display the most recent registered data. As updates are made to the meter installation and delivery points, the changes to master data will be immediately reflected in the master data record.
  • When there is more than one MSP Revenue Metering Contact at an organization, all MSP Revenue Metering Contacts will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team, or address tasks individually.


Revenue Metering Data: Common participant organization contact responsible for managing meter data report profiles and requesting revenue meter reports. Accessible in Online IESO: &

  • To manage a meter data report profile: On the Actions page, select “Manage Meter Data Report Profile” and complete the required information.
  • To request an Ad-Hoc Meter Data Report: On the “Actions” page click on action “Request Meter Data Report” and complete the required information. A confirmation email with a unique request number will be sent to all “Revenue Metering Data” contacts of the participant organization.
  • The Revenue Metering Data Contact can also download revenue metering data reports from the IESO report site at

Revenue Metering (Transmitter): Mandatory for participant organizations authorized as Transmitter Owners. This contact is responsible for approving Site Registration Reports (SRR) for transmission delivery points impacted by requests to register, update or deregister meter installations. Accessible in Online IESO.

  • The Revenue Metering Transmitter can register transmission network and connection resources and assign a Market Participant for Transmission Tariff (MMPT) using the Manage Transmission Resource action and register transmission network and connection resources for Manage Facilities and Equipment requests initiated by an authorized equipment owner.
  • The Revenue Metering Transmitter can initiate Manage Transmission Resource requests to register Transmission Network (TN) and Connection (TC) resources. TN and TC resource require MMPT roles.
  • When there is more than one Revenue Metering Transmitter Contact at an organization, all Revenue Metering Transmitter Contacts will receive notices and the group will be able to act as a team, or address tasks individually.

Settlement Data and File Submitter: Participant organization contact responsible for submitting & searching settlement information and forms via the Online Settlement Form application and retrieving settlement reports via the IESO Participant Reports site. Accessible in ReportsOnline IESO. 

Settlement Data Viewer: Participant organization contact responsible for searching and viewing settlement information and forms via the Online Settlement Form application and retrieving settlement reports via the IESO Participants Reports site. Accessible in Reports & Online IESO.

Settlements: Participant organization contact responsible for addressing issues and questions relating to settlement statements. Accessible in Reports